Sciatica. Very painful if you’ve ever experienced it. It’s sometimes burning. It’s sometimes numbing. It’s sometimes tingling. But it’s always painful. The word “Sciatica” itself is only a general term. It describes the symptoms of an underlying condition. The underlying condition might be a herniated disc. It might be degenerative arthritis. It might be spinal stenosis. It might be spinal misalignment. Or it might even be severe muscular strain. If you have sciatica, then you have similar symptoms. But you do not necessarily have the same cause. The symptoms themselves don’t tell you anything specific It only really matters when you know the cause.
The sciatic nerve originates from nerve roots in the lower back. From the low back, it travels through the buttock, thigh, and lower leg. It ends in the foot. That’s a long way. The sciatic nerve can cause problems anywhere it travels. Intervertebral discs, muscles, spinal canal condition – they can all create sciatica. But, it’s important to note, they are all treated differently.
Our purpose here isn’t to provide a complete study on sciatica. We simply want to help you to know where to begin in your search for answers.
Now, Some sciatica occurs because a small fraction of the time, the sciatic nerve passes through the piriformis muscle in the hip. Normally, the sciatic nerve travels around this muscle. In these cases, stretching this muscle will provide relief. Stretching may be the only intervention required. Runners routinely stretch this muscle as a part of warming up. It’s simple to do. It requires no equipment whatsoever. You can find a simple piriformis stretch here.
Sometimes the spine degenerates through wear and tear. This is called degenerative osteoarthritis. In these cases, sciatica comes from irritation of the nerve roots that form the sciatic nerve. The openings that the nerve roots pass through can become smaller. They do this as the spinal joints deteriorate with age and activity. This is generally a slow process. It can take years to get to the symptomatic stages. But spinal degeneration is treatable. Medical intervention starts with pain management. It usually ends with spinal surgery. Structural Correction of the spine provides an alternative that is remarkably successful. The process involves finding the primary reason that the spine degenerated. We then work to restore spinal stability. And we strengthen the supporting muscles of the low back and pelvis. The underlying problem is structural in nature. So, it has a structural treatment.
Sciatica can also come from disc problems. Herniated or bulging discs can create other problems as well. However, sciatica often comes with them. Proper support of the structure of the spine is important. These cases need rehabilitative exercise. They also need specific disc support. All are important to help to stabilize these cases.
Sometimes sciatica happens along with very serious neurological symptoms. When there is bowel or bladder problem, or when the legs get weaker quickly, you may have a medical emergency. In these cases, seek immediate medical help. Do it quickly. Don’t wait. There’s too much to risk, and too much to lose.
Sciatica is complicated. It can be found in conditions that can be managed at home, to those requiring immediate medical intervention. If you are suffering in Columbia SC, it may make sense to discuss your case with our office. At Specific Chiropractic of SC, we gladly offer a no-cost consultation to you. Relax. It’s a conversation, not a commitment! After we have spoken, you may choose to pursue Structural Correction. Or, you may choose to seek treatment elsewhere. Not every patient is best served by our methods. Perhaps you will be.