The extent to which our methods can help you is really too complicated to generalize here. However, we can decide together, in person, if our approach makes sense for you. So many people rave about their results at our office, and we would love it if we could create great outcomes for you!

Knowing how Your Structure Determines Your Function Makes it Easy to Understand how we Might Help You.
At Specific Chiropractic, we put a lot of effort into determining the Primary Condition that is affecting your structure. Our examination is extensive, and we take steps that traditional chiropractors don’t often take, in our effort to help get to the root of the problem. By the time your examination is complete, very often, you yourself are able to see the structural problems that we will be working through. If we do find problems in the structure of your body, we will very likely be able to address and improve them right in our office.
We will explain the treatment plan appropriate for your case, and describe how a Structural Shift can cause your complaint. We will cover how certain complementary recommendations will be necessary to support your treatment plan. And we will discuss how you can protect your improved structure so that you can improve the quality of your life.
The effort at Specific Chiropractic is collaborative. We simply must have your cooperation to achieve the best possible results for you. We will make recommendations specific to your unique case, and we will expect you to help us help you.
We realize that some people are only looking for temporary relief, or a patch to their secondary conditions. There’s nothing wrong with that. There are no shortages of professionals who provide this type of service, and we’ll be happy to direct you to the ones we trust here in Columbia. We find that those who seek out our services are those looking for a long term solution to their problem, and that is what we are here to provide. This is done with a customized and comprehensive plan of care and providing the tools to help keep your structure intact.